Invitation to join Healing Pathways sessions

On Thursday September 15, 29 , October 13 & 27and November 10 & 24, Healing Pathways will be meeting two possible ways: in person or via Zoom.  We are inviting anyone who would like to join us either way to let us know.  You can contact the office for the Zoom link, or contact Peggy at or 403-203-2410 to set up an appointment for treatment.  

Healing Pathway’s foundation lies in healing within the Christian faith.  The practitioner is trained to be a heart-centered, loving presence, to use his or her hands in an intentional manner to facilitate and support the healing process in an individual for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

We will start our session at about 9:30 (Zoom connection will be open by 9:20 to allow time to sort out problems with connecting.)  We will do a meditation that one of our team will lead.  This is followed by a prayer that people can choose to add to.  If you are coming in person, you can join us for this part if you want, or wait until your appointment time.  Online people have that option also.

Come and experience peace and feel God’s healing being channeled through our hands.  

Learn more about Healing Pathways by visiting their webpage.


Kitchen Use Guidelines


Heritage Time Out: Back Wednesdays Starting September 14, 2022