Messy Church Wrap Up: September 10, 2022

On September 10, 2022 McDougall hosted a Dutch Blitz night followed by dinner. Participants were divided up into four teams to play Dutch Blitz. This is a really fun game that is played with large cards. The game started out slow as teams cautiously navigated the game, then once the practice round was over, things picked up quickly. There were some amazing dives to place cards! Following the game, participants enjoyed a fantastic dinner of chicken, potatoes, garlic bread and ice cream with berries.


We could not have put this event on without the help of some pretty amazing people. Thank you so much for your help.

o  Kitchen Help: Tara Jorgensen and Peggy Jorgensen.

Thank you so much for you help!


If you attended the event and have any photos you would like to share, please email them to

Mark Your Calendar

Messy Church happens the second Saturday of every month at 4 pm (except for October when it is the third). Advanced registration is required. We hope to see you next month for something special! Visit our Community and Family Minister Page to learn more about upcoming events.


We hope you enjoy some photos from the event.


Godly Play Back September 18


Kitchen Use Guidelines