Introducing our New Part-time Caretaker / Handyman

You will start to see a new face around McDougall United Church starting September 1.  His name is Jerimiah Laquette, who will also be continuing to work part time for Temple B’nai Tikvah (Jewish faith).    We are excited to bring him on staff as he loves cleaning and doing building repairs.  His references give glowing praise of his take charge and fix things that need fixing.  The Temple is excited about sharing Jerimiah’s time to keep him employed fulltime between the two facilities.  

Make sure you give Jerimiah a big McDougall welcome when you see him around the building.

Submitted by Peggy Jorgensen, M&P Lead.

To learn more about the staff at McDougall, please visit the Staff Directory.


Tanya & Jonathan’s Wedding Pictures


Summary of July 25-26, 2023 Workshop: Drum-Making Workshop for Indigenous Youth and Men