Foundation Update

Besides the funds that McDougall receives through your annual donations, the church’s financial security is also reliant on significant annual transfers for capital expenditures from the McDougall Foundation. The McDougall Foundation was formed in 2001 by visionary McDougall congregation members to handle the money  raised to build our current sanctuary. Funds remaining in the Foundation after our "mortgage burning ceremony" in May 2015, and contributions  received subsequently,  are held in trust for McDougall United Church. 

During the last 3 years, the McDougall Foundation has provided significant funds to support key projects in the church. In 2020, over $50,000 was transferred for a professional engineering assessment to aid future capital project planning, indoor digital signage to improve our communication in the building, technology infrastructure needed for the  live streaming of worship services when in-person services were not possible and other unexpected  maintenance projects. 

This past year alone,  $30,000 was transferred to the church for partial roof replacements, security system upgrades, exterior  stucco repairs,  some interior painting, parking lot paving repairs and  emergency HVAC repairs.

The professional engineering report received from the Pinchin Engineering Group in May 2020 revealed that In order for the McDougall  Foundation to have the funds  to support needed capital expenditures at the church beyond the next five years , new contributions to the base funds in the Foundation are seriously needed. For more information about the McDougall Foundation and the various ways that you can contribute to the Foundations so that it can continue  to support McDougall’s future property-related needs, please contact  Phil Edwards, the McDougall Foundation Chair, or 403 990-5571.

You can learn more by visiting their webpage.


2022 - Q3 Ministry and Personnel Third Quarter Report July1 – September 30, 2022


Opera Buddies: Carpooling and FAQ