2022 - Q3 Ministry and Personnel Third Quarter Report July1 – September 30, 2022

This quarter has been a busy one. I helped coordinate coverage for Rev. Joanne's sabbatical and vacation leave and wish to thank Rev. Danah Cox and Rev. Bill Weaver for their contributions during this period.  Arrangements were made for vacation coverage for both our Office Administrator, Jen Heidebrecht, and our Communications Coordinator, Sarah Reuangrith, in August. Thank you to Mari Croizier for filling in for Jen and for Jen for taking on the core communications duties during the vacation time

With COVID related restrictions improving due to vaccination uptake, the opportunity emerged for the church to consider restarting our choral music program in the fall. I contacted former McDougall Singers and Sonica members to inquire about their interest in returning to McDougall's choral music program in the fall.  When the response was good, I contacted Krishan Power and other choral directors regarding their availability. As Krishan was not interested in the short-term contract (September to December 2022) we could offer, we offered the contract to Justin Macosky. This contract is funded through a donation received (but not used) in 2021 to support the continuation of McDougall's choral program. M&P will undertake a  review of the success of this choral restart endeavor and make a recommendation regarding the inclusion of a Choral Director service contract in the M&P budget for 2023.  

As our Worship Service Musician, Tanya Wan Lim, was away on holiday in September, Randy Stef, the Service Musician from Ogden United, took on the full service musician responsibilities for our joint services during Tanya's absence. Our sincere thanks go to Randy for his additional support for those services. 

I would like to thank Valerie Macleod for taking new pictures of the McDougall staff and updating the display at the main entrance. To the church. Great job! 

And a final thank you to Marilyn Bates and Joanne Pritchard for their contribution to the M&P work as well as the M&P Caring Contacts for the support they offer our staff.

Submitted by Peggy Jorgensen, M & P Lead


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