Opera Buddies: Carpooling and FAQ

Thank you to everyone who showed interest at our information session following the service on Sunday about Opera Buddies. This is a really great program that we are so excited to partner on. There were a few questions that came out of our session that I wanted to answer here. If you have any further questions please get in touch.

How Do I Register to attend:

You can register here.

Where and when are the session taking place:

Each of the modules takes place at either McDougall United, Foothills Academy or the Opera Centre except for the night you visit the show. You can view the schedule here. Except for the nights you visit the show, your group meeting would be Thursday night from 5:30 - 6:45 pm.

I am unfamiliar with Opera so am not sure if I want to commit:

If you are not sure about Opera there is no better way to learn! Each of our modules is 3 - 4 weeks and includes a show. This is a great way to do a deep dive into Opera without having to commit to the entire season. The best part is that when you enjoy it, you will be able to sign up for another module.

Isn’t Opera Expensive?

Not when you sign up for Opera Buddies, most of the modules are free and include a show. Three of the shows are free with two of them being discounted.

I am nervous about driving?

We get it and that is why we are trying to arrange car pooling for the meetings that are not at McDougall. Meet at McDougall and head down together. If you are interested in Car pooling please let Sarah know.

So invite a friend (or two) and sign up for this great program.

Learn more about Opera Buddies by visiting their webpage.


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