2023 - McDougall Scholarship Report Ending August 2023 

On June 25, 2023, eight $1000 scholarships were presented to qualified applicants whose names and church affiliation have been posted on the regular Eblasts. 

To date 128 scholarships have been presented by McDougall Church since 1995. This year the scholarship was accompanied with a gift of a McDougall coffee mug. 

The scholarship presentation followed a similar pattern. Each candidate’s acceptance speech outlined how they plan to use the funds along with an expression of gratitude. As they spoke, their photos and church affiliation was posted on the screens. 

The self-sustaining fund has been depleted to the point that a plea for member’s contribution will be forwarded to members for the next scholastic year in order to continue this program. 

I submit this final 2023 report with pride and have forwarded the scholarship results to Martha and Dave Taylor whose Family endowment contribution has allowed us to extend our scholarship outreach to the many candidates that have applied. 

Although many of our youthful candidates may not attend church regularly, in their expression of gratitude, they expressed sincere thanks. I believe this process accomplishes one of the outreach goals that McDougall ascribes to. 

Respectfully Submitted, 

Nick Perrin, Chair 

To learn more about Leadership Council, please visit the Leadership Council Page.

To learn more about the McDougall Scholarship, please visit the Scholarship Page.


2023 - Property Report May - August 2023


Feed the Hungry Dinner