Celebrating Thanksgiving – Ogden & McDougall, “Come Alongside Acadia Food Pantry”

On Thanksgiving Sunday, you are invited to bring non-perishable gifts for the Acadia Food Pantry, or present a financial gift designated for “Acadia Pantry” to buy fresh produce and protein. Drop in on Tuesday, October 17th and see the pantry in action!  Your help is needed: to sort the food prior to the pantry, to assist on the day of the Pantry and a driver with a vehicle is needed to pick up food from the SPINZ center that collects produce from the grocery stores, which helps provide produce.  The need for the Acadia Pantry has grown – over 60 households are dropping in for food including many seniors.

Thanksgiving is part of the Canadian story – Indigenous and Settlers have a special feel for the land, which is what the Bible is all about. The book of Deuteronomy, a manual for the Jewish people home, out of slavery in Egypt, wandering in the wilderness for a whole generation and settling in the land of “milk and honey” – a land of shepherds and farmers are invited to be about life-giving choices, presenting their Thanksgiving gifts at the altar and re-telling their faith story. Your support of Acadia Food Pantry is a witness to our faith story!

Learn more about Acadia Pantry by visiting the Acadia Pantry Webpage.


2023 - Worship and Congregational Leadership Minister, Report: January -August 2023 (first 2 Quadrimesters)


2023 - Ministry and Personnel April– August, 2023