2023 - Property Report May - August 2023

Thanks to Degenhardt's, Medhurst's, Clayton's, Myrna Miller, and others, some weeding, replacement of mulch, and planting of flowers was done but more could be done if volunteers are available for seasonal landscaping. Contact John or Barrie if you are able to help.

Lawns were sprayed for weed control in August.

Partial flat roof repairs were completed in June with additional costs due to unexpected wood roof rot uncovered during roof replacement.

Exterior doors to the west, NE, and SE were re keyed in August as a security precaution upgrade.

The irrigation system was turned off in August as required by the City for water conservation.

The hot water heating system failed in mid August. After attempting repairs, research on equipment to meet our needs was done and replacement heaters will be installed by the end of September.

Hospitality Hall lighting units have been failing so these are being replaced with LED lights.

Long time caretaker, Harpal Chahal, retires at the end of August. Our new custodian/repairman, Jerimiah Laquette, begins September 1 with expanded duties.

Continued Thanks to Rudy Rumpel, Jonathon Prevost, and others for minor repairs done on an on going basis. Thanks for being "on call".

Barrie Clayton and John Naylor

To learn more about Leadership Council please visit the Leadership Council Page.


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