2022 - Q3 Leadership Council Third Quarter Report

This past quarter has certainly flown by. I would like to thank the staff and volunteers for their dedication and commitment to the well being of the McDougall community. Over the past three months the church has continued to be a vibrant part of the wider community and provide a number of opportunities for congregation members and non-members to get involved with the church community. 

As Rev. Joanne’s sabbatical has now come to completion, I would like to welcome her back and extend my thanks and gratitude to the Sabbatical Working Group of Tara Jorgensen, Barrie Clayton, and Marilyn Bates, as well as, Rev. Bill Weaver, and Rev. Danah Cox for their coverage during Rev. Joanne’s absence. We are very pleased to be able to donate to the Ogden Hub Project in lieu of payment to Rev. Weaver. 

The Visioning Working Group is continuing to examine McDougall’s current mission and vision statements and along with the Leadership Council engage in discussions around how McDougall envisions our future. We hope to engage with the wider congregation in the upcoming months. 

During the final quarter of the year, we begin looking towards the needs of 2023. These needs include budgetary needs, as well as Leadership Council membership. If you are interested in being part of the Leadership Council, please contact any member of the current council or check out the website to get more information. Our next Leadership Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 25 @7pm in the M&M room. 

Respectfully submitted,

Daren Patterson

Co-Chair Leadership Council


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