2022 - Q2 Operations Second Quarter Report, April to June 2022

Submitted by Joanne Pritchard, Operations Lead

June 30, 2022

The Operations Working Group met on Zoom three times in the first quarter of 2022: April 21, May 12 and June 16. During this quarter, the core members of the Operations team consisted of Joanne Pritchard (Lead), Joanne Anquist and/or Danah Cox  (Ministers) and Norma May (Treasurer). Sharing the rotating role of Operations Member-at-Large this quarter were Ken Turnbull, Marjorie MacRae and Nick Perrin. Ministry and Personnel Lead, Peggy Jorgensen, and Property Lead, Barrie Clayton have participated in all Operations meetings this quarter as they have done since the Operations Working Group was created in July 2019. Given the operational nature of the responsibilities of both the Ministry and Personnel  (M&P) and Property Working  Groups, it is my recommendation that the Leads of the Property and M&P Working Groups be formally considered core members of the Operations Working Group. I will be bringing this recommendation to the Leadership Council meeting in September for Council approval. Other Council Leads who brought items to the first quarter Operations agendas as needed included Rev. Danah Cox, Family and Community Ministry Lead,  Rev. Bob Mutlow, Outreach and Social Justice Lead and Nick Perrin, Lead of the Leadership Council’s new  Communications Team (aka the Perceptive Communication and Response Team).

This quarter McDougall’s Treasurer, Norma May,  provided clear and informative monthly updates of the church finances for Operations to review based on statements  provided by our External Bookkeeper, Courtney den Boer. No issues were reported related to the processes and timelines arranged with the bookkeeper. Norma and Bruce Munro made adjustments to the 2022 Budget based on updated  figures provided by M&P for the sabbatical leave ministerial coverage costs . These adjustments were approved  by the Leadership Council on May 24. 

In April, Nik Sloat was hired as a part-time support worker for the Family and Community Ministry Team headed by Rev. Danah Cox. On the he first of May Nik officially began  a 5-month ministry internship at McDougall. He  is looking towards a future career as a youth minister.  Please welcome Nik when you see him. 

After a review of our funeral and wedding coordination needs, Operations approved separate Funeral and Wedding Coordinator position that will be adjunct roles for our part-time Office Administrator with remuneration paid through the wedding or funeral fees. Our capacity for hosting funeral receptions was also reviewed with the Pastoral Care Ministry Team who informed Operations of their decision to holdoff making any changes regarding funeral receptions until the fall. Currently the Hospitality Hall can be booked  for catered receptions only.

This spring, some major property concerns were assessed  by the Property Co-leads, Barrie Clayton and John Naylor and estimates requested. Barrie provided monthly progress reports to Operations. The work needed on the building included shingle replacement and roofing repair, replacement of failing HVAC (heating) systems and hot water heaters as well as repairs on the north wall of the church due to flicker damage. Operations requested funds from the McDougall Foundation to cover the capital expenditures that fall within their 10-year capital plan for the McDougall church building. It is expected that those funds will be forthcoming to cover the cost of the major improvements as invoices are received in the next few months. Meanwhile, regular maintenance of the building continues as well as smaller improvements such as painting in the lower hall and the main entrance.  We are tremendously indebted to Barrie and John for their oversight of these diverse projects. 

Our Service contracts with our worship musician, Tanya, was reviewed by M&P Lead, Peggy Jorgensen, and her recommendation for and adjustment made for worship music leadership during the summer were approved by Operations.  Peggy is currently negotiating service contracts with available musicians for our worship music leadership in the fall.

Operations will be meeting again July 14th and then not again until September 8. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns related to the operational business of the church.

 Respectfully submitted

Joanne Pritchard 

Learn more about Operations by visiting their webpage.   


Acadia Pantry -looking for able bodied volunteers to help throughout the summer months


2022 - Q2 Perceptive Communication & Response (PC&R) Work Group June 202