2022 - Q2 Ministry and Personnel Report

When Rev. Joanne Anquist started her Sabbatical Leave on May 1, Rev. Danah Cox took on a fulltime ministerial role from May 1 to August 31.  The M&P team revised Rev. Cox’s job description to reflect the duties that he would be assuming during Joanne’s sabbatical and vacation. I worked with members of the Pastoral Care Ministry Team and Danah to determine the pastoral care needs would be provided during this four-month period. 

In April, Nik Sloat, a ministry student at Ambrose University was invited to be a ministry intern at McDougall for 30 hours per week June 1 to October 31. Nik will be primarily working with Rev. Danah in the area of family and community ministry. M&P prepared a letter of understanding between Nik and McDougall regarding this internship. 

 In conjunction with his internship, Nik was hired as Interim Family Support Worker.  The M&P team updated the job description for this position.  Nik started this position May 1, assisting Danah with messy Church events. 

I arranged for Rev. Cox and Nik to take First Aid training as required for McDougall staff working with children as well as Food Preparation Safety training now recommended by Operations. 

 We prepared an addendum to Tanya Wan Lim’s musician contract for the summer months to provide for rehearsal time with music leaders for the summer worship services. Discussions related to the fall music programs are underway so we can determine what staffing will be required.  As Krishan Power has informed us that he is not interested in conducting a choir that may be required to wear masks, we are now seeking an interim conductor to fill in until the end of December.  Please contact me if you know of someone who may be interested.  

Arrangements have been made for staff vacation coverage.  Mari Crozier will fill in as Office Administrator for a week in July and another in August. Arrangements are being made for coverage for our Communications Coordinator for later in August. 

On April 24, we celebrated Rev. Danah Cox’s covenanting service and thanked Aileen Berridge for her years of service at McDougall.  Marilyn Bates and I, along with members of the Pastoral Care team, arranged the celebration in the hospitality hall. 

Submitted by Peggy Jorgensen, Ministry and Personnel Lead


Welcome to Choir Conductor Justin Macosky


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