2021-Q1. Children’s Program Staff Report

2021-Q1 Children’s Program Staff Report


Children’s Program Quarterly Report


What has been happening with the Sunday Morning Children's Program?

The number of children that we have on zoom varies week to week. On average I have 4 - 10 children depending on the activity along with how many hours they have already been on zoom. When discussing activities that we have been doing I always talk about this being God's Creation. We have read stories about God's Love, loving your neighbours.  I was able to show the children some videos that Joanne Anquist's sister made about Bible stories. Shrove Tuesday Pancakes along with how it came about. I had prepared Lent bags for the children to take home, make crafts along with what we would give up for Lent and how to earn skittles. We made traditional Lenten pretzels. Some of the things that we have learned about were: Good Friday : We talked about the 7 stations of the cross that were going to be put up in the Sanctuary for everyone to come and see. We had Theo/Lilia show us how they were working on the 1st station and Rachel's husband painted the last station. There would be Easter treats along with chalk so they could spread some community love. On Easter Sunday we made tombs that the children were able to eat. Again discussing that the marshmallow was Jesus (How he died on the cross along with being wrapped in a white cloth) and he disappeared and rose again. (Easter Sunday).  Caring for our Environment (Earth Day April 22),making something out of the materials from your recycling box.(Looking after God's Creation "Our Earth") Along with how we would celebrate Mother's Day.... Making something special for our moms. That Mom's love is like God's love.  We also continue to have scavenger hunts, play games on the internet, talk about how we are all doing.


This pretty much sums up how the last few months have been. 


Donelle Elliott


Ministry Journey Update


2021-Q1. Youth Group Staff Report