Ministry Journey Update

Life is a journey with many paths to experience depending on the opportunities we are given and the choices that we make along the way. My name is Rachel Nadon, I am a Student Diaconal Minister for the United Church of Canada.

In 2016 I officially started my journey to become a Diaconal Minister for the United Church of Canada when I started my studies with the Centre for Christian Studies. I was an active member at Northminster United Church, volunteering in different areas and serving part time as the Youth Minister. Northminster United Church in Calgary will always be my church home, and I am so thankful this Community of Faith has always supported and encouraged me.

As I continued with my education, I realized I wanted to fully immerse myself in ministry life and find a student ministry position. In 2019 I was appointed a part time position with McDougall United Church as their Pastoral Care Coordinator and later added a Youth Leader Position to my roles to serve this wonderful Community of Faith. I had the opportunity to serve with in-person activities, visits, worship, and more for 8 months before the Pandemic started. In March of 2020 we transitioned to online and phone communication to safely continue to meet the ministry needs of this community. This meant that there are many people who have visited with on the phone whom I have never met in person. This unique ministry opportunity has changed the way we do church, and changed how we stay connected as a community. At the end of June 2021 this chapter of my ministry journey will draw to a close. On June 13th I will be leading the worship service on YouTube at McDougall United Church and we will be arranging a Drive-By Good-Bye Celebration later that day through the McDougall United Church Parking Lot. Keep posted for more details.

I’m happy to announce that this afternoon the Congregation at Knox United in Drumheller voted to appoint me as their New Full-Time Minister in Solo Ministry! My partner, Andrew and myself will be moving to Drumheller later this summer and I will be starting to serve this new Community of Faith on August 1, 2021.

Thankyou everyone for being a part of my journey to becoming a Diaconal Minister!

Many Blessings,

Rachel Nadon
Diaconal Ministry Student


2021-Q2. Financial Report, Treasurer Report


2021-Q1. Children’s Program Staff Report