Treaty Day and other Fall events
Shauna Kennedy, Right Relations Lead Shauna Kennedy, Right Relations Lead

Treaty Day and other Fall events

September 22, 2021 - Treaty 7 Day. We commemorate Treaty Day on September 22 in Chinook Winds for the signing of Treaty 7.

Online Regional Town Hall (2 pm - 3:30 pm MDT) - We will take a moment to discuss the history of Treaty 7 and the perspectives of Indigenous peoples on the 144th anniversary of the treaty signing. We will also discuss the Ally Toolkit being developed for the Region by grassroots volunteers and your chance to get involved. Register HERE

Online Treaty Talk - At 7 PM - We will take some time to engage with the text of Treaty 7 and discuss our understandings and information gaps. We will look at what Reconciliation looks like today for our Region and for our communities of faith. Register HERE

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Rev. Joanne’s Reflection, July 25
Sarah Reuangrith Sarah Reuangrith

Rev. Joanne’s Reflection, July 25

Rev. Joanne reflects on the Saskatoon Star Phoenix article FSIN praises United Church response to unmarked residential school graves. (53:30 min)

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Moderator’s Statement on Residential School Burial Sites
The Right Rev. Dr. Richard Bott, Moderator The Right Rev. Dr. Richard Bott, Moderator

Moderator’s Statement on Residential School Burial Sites

Bringing these children the honour we denied them in life

To Residential School Survivors, Families, and Communities:

I want to acknowledge the pain that you, as survivors of residential schools, families, and communities, are experiencing. We understand that the pain endured at these schools went far beyond their walls and grounds into community and through generations.

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In responds to a Broadview  Magazine Article. Re: Monument to a Mission, Broadview Magazine, January 2021.
Marilyn Agnew, Congregational Witness to Right Relations Marilyn Agnew, Congregational Witness to Right Relations

In responds to a Broadview Magazine Article. Re: Monument to a Mission, Broadview Magazine, January 2021.

The final sentence of the article entitled Monument to a Mission states “As for reconciliation, that still seems a long way off.” As a member of the McDougall Stoney Mission Society, and Right Relations Leader within McDougall United Church in Calgary, I feel that I must respond by sharing with you the good works being done by the Society and by many United Churches in the Calgary area over the past years. I need to say first that reconciliation is not a destination, it is a journey – one that must continually be worked on and encouraged to grow throughout our communities.

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Red Dress Day
Marilyn Agnew, Congregational Witness to Right Relations Marilyn Agnew, Congregational Witness to Right Relations

Red Dress Day

Join us on May 5 from 1 to 4 pm. as we commemorate Red Dress Day with a memorial walkthrough our Sanctuary.. Tea and Bannock will be provided. Right Relations donations accepted.

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Indigenous Lenten Study Seven Sacred Teachings- until March 31.
Shauna Kennedy, Right Relations Lead Shauna Kennedy, Right Relations Lead

Indigenous Lenten Study Seven Sacred Teachings- until March 31.

Join us online for the Indigenous Lenten Study on Christ's journey as we examine the Vision Quest and 7 Natural Laws of the Assiniboine people.

Everyone is welcome to partake in the teachings, perspectives and lessons of traditional spiritual formation and the Church. Wednesdays at 7:30 PM, online via Zoom.

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Reconciliation Tipi
Shauna Kennedy, Right Relations Lead Shauna Kennedy, Right Relations Lead

Reconciliation Tipi

The Reconciliation Tipi- Set-up, Cultural Instruction, and Dedication event on Treaty Day, September 22, 2020 was a historic gesture towards Reconciliation.

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Remembering Sisters in Spirit - Video
Marilyn Agnew, Congregational Witness to Right Relations Marilyn Agnew, Congregational Witness to Right Relations

Remembering Sisters in Spirit - Video

On Sunday October 4, 2020 we commemorated the lives of Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirit people with our prayers and remembrances.

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Video: Indigenous People’s Day
Shauna Kennedy, Right Relations Lead Shauna Kennedy, Right Relations Lead

Video: Indigenous People’s Day

June 21st is National Indigenous People's Day. The story of this day is embedded in the spiritual gathering called the Indian Ecumenical Conference held at Stoney Park in Morley Alberta in the 1970s.

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Video: Indigenous History Month Introduction
Shauna Kennedy, Right Relations Lead Shauna Kennedy, Right Relations Lead

Video: Indigenous History Month Introduction

June 21st is National Indigenous People's Day. The story of this day is embedded in the spiritual gathering called the Indian Ecumenical Conference held at Stoney Park in Morley Alberta in the 1970s.

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McDougall Living in Right Relations
Marilyn Agnew, Congregational Witness to Right Relations Marilyn Agnew, Congregational Witness to Right Relations

McDougall Living in Right Relations

Thank you to all those that donated funds so that we could help the Elders on the Morley Reserve when they needed food and supplies. A total of $1300.00 was collected from the McDougall congregation and Gloria Snow brought in donations of another $750.00.

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