McDougall Living in Right Relations


Thank you to all those that donated funds so that we could help the Elders on the Morley Reserve when they needed food and supplies. A total of $1300.00 was collected from the McDougall congregation and Gloria Snow brought in donations of another $750.00.

Groceries were bought and hampers were put together that included a turkey and all the trimmings for an Easter meal. Gloria and her husband Ken delivered 24 large hampers and we believe that 250 people were fed on Easter Sunday with plenty left over.

Even though she needed to use social distancing, she was able to talk to all those that received hampers and tell them that we care. Here is a picture and interview that was done with Elder Jennie Clarke of the Stoney Nation on the Morley Reserve.

“Thank you so much!  You made our Easter so special. This is a picture of me in my home with my granddaughter and her partner and two of my little grandsons.  We have 5 grown children.  Two of our granddaughters are living here with their families for a total of six adults and nine children.  When the Pandemic broke out we were stressed about the extra food and cleaning supplies we needed.  I could have cried to see all that Gloria brought us I was so happy.  This meant that I don’t have to go to town.   She had cleaning supplies and had made face masks.  We feel safe now and it doesn’t matter if my family is annoyed when I make them change their clothes when they get home.  You have shown us you really care.”

  - Elder Jennie Clarke of the Stoney Nation on the Morley Reserve.  


Video: Indigenous History Month Introduction