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Square Dancing - New Dancers Welcome

The purpose of this event is to make people aware how much good clean fun and exercise both mentally and physically  can be had with square dancing. Many people often have some misconceptions  about what square dancing is all about. There is no consumption of alcohol or smoking and it is not done in some barn to weird music. This is modern square dancing done in respectable places, to music that spans from country to rock, to big band, to pop, to show tunes - any good music that has a good beat. The style of clothing is somewhat optional, although some of the  dancers prefer to wear fancy skirts or dresses and the men are usually in long sleeve shirts. We don't dictate clothing styles but we suggest the wearing of comfortable shoes.

Free admission and absolutely no obligation to continue.

This event is put on by Calgary & District Square Dance.

September 15

Zoom Friday Morning Coffee Time

September 17

Sunday Morning Worship Service