We are very excited to welcome Dr. Levan to McDougall for a special 5 course dinner with discussion.
Using his most recent book, Having Jesus for Dinner, community or cannibalism, Dr. Levan will take participants through the experience of sharing a meal with Jesus. It takes about four hours and five courses. We’ll explore the gospel evidence for eating with Jesus and how his “Kingdom of God” movement was based on shared bread. We will conclude with the challenge: Can Christians reset the table for a new expression of Jesus’ “holy meal”—one suited for our current mission here and now.
Menu: Bread, dip, med salad, roast lamb, baked salmon, humus, tzatziki, pita, dried fruit, salted nuts. Three kinds of bread and non-alcoholic wine.
We will explore these questions over five courses of a traditional Palestinian meal, each course separated by discussion.
1. What did Jesus eat?
2. How did he eat with others and why did they think it was unique?
3. If I was inviting Jesus for dinner at my home, what would be involved?
4. Why did other religious leaders complain about Jesus' meal fellowship?
5. How many special meals did Jesus celebrate?
6. How did it happen that, as his followers, we began with Jesus as a guest at our meal and then he became our meal?
7. What makes the Lord's Supper holy or sacred?
This seminar will rely upon the most recent archeological and biblical research to illustrate how the followers of Jesus ate together. We’ll review the many complaints about Jesus and his meal fellowship and we’ll ask why his meal caused problems for religious authorities and ask why it has changed over time. The food is the actual context for conversation and discussion and the time between the courses is the moment for introducing content. Each participant will receive a course booklet with details of the biblical story about the food and recipes for each course. Chris will have other reading material and his book, available for purchase.
Participants need bring only a pillow, a blanket and an open mind. Chris will provide the rest. No previous experience in bible study is necessary.
The cost for this event is $45 per person and is a fundraiser for the church. It will include a five course Palestinian meal and non-alcoholic wine. Should you have trouble covering this cost, please reach out.
Advanced registration is available and will close on Sunday, October 15th at 7:00 pm.
Dr. Chris Levan
McDougall is thrilled to welcome Dr. Levan to our church to cook the meal and lead us in discussion.
Dr. Levan is a retired United Church Minister, Bible Scholar, University Professor, Ethicist, Academic Administrator, Freelance Writer and Professional Speaker. In his lifetime, he has also been:
• a baker – starting his own bakery
• a tour guide – running tours to Europe and the Holy land, as well as many trips to Cuba, through his own business
• a writer and editor - having published a dozen books
• a fundraiser - leading major capital campaigns and yearly drives
His publications include:
• Having Jesus for Dinner, community or cannibalism, Eugene Or.: Cascade Books, 2023.
• The Prayer, 68 words that changed the world, Eugene Or.: Cascade Books, 2018.
• Give us this Day, Lenten reflections on baking bread and discipleship,Toronto: UCC, 2002.
• God Hates Religion, Toronto: United Church Publishing House, 1995.
We hope that you will be able to join us!