Youth Ministry (Refugia): Exciting Plans in May

This coming month there are a lot of exciting events happening for the Youth. If you know anyone in grades 7 - 12, now is a great time to invite them to join the youth on Friday evenings from 6 - 9 pm.

May Schedule:

May 5

- no youth group as leader Nik is at a conference (watch for more about that soon).

May 12

- Food: Stir Fry and Rice

- Topic: Corruption in Hollywood

- Activity: Classic Wii Games

May 19

- Food: Tacos

- Topic: The Royal Family

- Activity: Pingpong and Exploding Kittens

May 26

- Food: Lasagna

- Topic: School Shootings

- Activity: Spikeball Tournament

To learn more about events for youth, please visit the Youth Ministry page.


Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (May 2023)


The Politics of Jesus: An Election Series