2023 Stewardship Campaign: Testimonial 1, Marilyn Bates

During our 2023 Stewardship Campaign we will be sharing Testimonials from some of our members. We hope that you enjoy them!

Marilyn Bates:

My Church journey may sound familiar to some.  As a young girl my Grandmother Ann influenced my church experience.  I remember with fond memories getting dressed up and carrying my purse every Sunday as we attended the service.  After a life changing event my Father moved us to Calgary and I did not attend Church, with the exception of weddings and funerals, for over 50 years.  While volunteering with Inn from The Cold at McDougall just being in the building showed me I was looking to rediscover my faith.  I find peace for the time I am here on Sundays.

My first memory being back at Church was Margaret Hay inviting me to join everyone in Hospitality Hall. She and all others I was introduced to that day were welcoming and invitations to join coffee and groups remain to this day.  

With all of our experiences with COVID, negatives and newly discovered positives, I see the future at McDougall to be opportunity.  There are fundamentals that make a Church and I see we have the chance to be any Church we want to be.  Many past activities will remain but others will be discontinued or reimagined to meet the needs of today.  McDougall United offers forward thinking ideas such as event weekends, social outreach and many initiatives for all ages.  Change and growth is our future.   

My personal wish for McDougall is to continue helping others, both within our walls and in the larger community. 

Marilyn Bates

To learn more about this years Stewardship Campaign, please visit their webpage.


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