Soup’s On Sunday Update

Quick update that Soup’s on Sunday has been cancelled for August 4. We are hoping to be back in September. Thank you so much for your support, we were able to sell out the leftover soup in record time! We still have some of the blueberry crisp available for $5 each (individual serving size). You can place the order on our website:

I am happy to help any of you place your orders. I would simply need an email with what you want along with the quantity. I would place the order on your behalf so that you get an email receipt but then you would have to send an e-transfer to the office or pay in cash during office hours. If you want to pay by credit card please place the order yourself or include a phone number so that I can call and take it over the phone. If you don't explicitly tell me you want to pay by credit card I will assume that you are making arrangements to pay the office directly and place your order accordingly. You will be notified when your order is ready for pickup. We are hoping to wait until we have a few orders to make it easier on the staff.

Thanks so much for your previous support and please let me know if you have any questions.

Sarah Reuangrith

To learn more about the fundraisers happening at the church, please visit the Marketing and Fundraising webpage.


Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist


Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist