Shrove Tuesday Wrap Up

On March 1, 2022 McDougall’s Community and Family Ministry hosted a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. The catered dinner was available to take home or to eat in the Fellowship Hall. The delicious meal included pancakes, eggs and sausages. It was so nice to see people gathered to enjoy food together. With COVID still ongoing, tickets inside were limited and tables were well spaced to encourage distance. Rev. Danah greeted everyone and good conversations were had.

Outside, Rev. Bill Weaver from Ogden United was doing ashes by the fire. It was a chilly day so a huge thank you is extended to him and our outdoor volunteer Peggy Jorgensen for taking on this task.


We could not have put this event on without the help of some pretty amazing people. A huge thank you to the following volunteers.

  • Christine Kennedy + Family: Thank you for your help inside setting tables, delivering food as well as miscellaneous tasks.

  • Peggy Jorgensen: Handled our outside food delivery. She brought her adorable puppy Luna to help her out.

  • Roger Miller: Communication Coordinator Sarah Reuangrith recruited the help of her Uncle who was visiting from Victoria and he was a huge help in the kitchen.

Thank you so much for you help!


We hope you enjoy some photos from the event.


Friendship Club St. Patrick’s Day - Event Wrap Up


2022 - Q1 Leadership Council First Quarter Report March 2022