2022 - Q1 Leadership Council First Quarter Report March 2022

This year has started off with a flurry of activity, with two council meetings and the AGM the Leadership Council has been keeping very busy. With the passing of the motion at the AGM to move the pilot governance structure to McDougall’s official governance structure we are able to continue our work within this new structure. The Pilot Governance Review Working Group (PGRWG) provided the Leadership Council with additional recommendations that we were able to act upon at our March meeting. These recommendations came from the PGRWG survey and interviews with the congregation, staff, and council members. The formation of a Communication Working Group led by Nick Perrin, will address the importance of clearer communication between congregation members and the working of the Leadership Council, its various Ministry Teams and Working Groups. The formation of a Visioning Working Group led by Daren Patterson, will address the need to review the vision, mission, and key priorities of McDougall, to develop and review ongoing strategic plans as they relate to our vision, as well as support our ministry team in connecting their programming to our vision, mission, and key priorities. If you are interested in contributing to either one of these working groups, please contact either Nick Perrin or Daren Patterson for further information. 

Our Leadership Council relies on congregation members to volunteer their time and talents to be part of this governing body at McDougall. There are a number of openings that need filling these include Council Co-Chair, Operations Lead, and Members at Large. Additionally, our ministry teams and working groups are always eager to have congregation members join them in their work. All of these volunteer opportunities are a fantastic means of staying up to date with what is happening around the church. If you are interested in finding out more about these volunteer opportunities, please get in touch with either Joanne Pritchard or Daren Patterson or check out the “Get Involved” link on our website.  



Shrove Tuesday Wrap Up


McDougall United Scholarship is Open for 2022