Refugee Group Update: Support for a Refugee Family from Afghanistan

The McDougall United/Christ Moravian Refugee Support Group is excited to announce we will be supporting a new family from Afghanistan. We met them via zoom for the first time last week. They arrived last August, just after the fall of Kabul, with the help of the Canadian government and so they have permanent resident status. They came to Canada with very little: one set of summer clothes and a tiny bag each.  Wali and his wife Najia have four children – 3 boys ages 14, 12 and 9 and a 14 month old girl.  Wali was a translator with the Canadian army and has very good English which is a big help as none of our group speaks Dari.  Najia, the mother, has just begun taking English classes online through the Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA).

At this stage we are offering help with job search, driving to appointments,  trips to the food bank and sourcing some household items. Volunteer drivers would be very welcome.

We are looking for a vacuum cleaner, a single bed (frame only) and a TV. If you can help with any of these items please contact Marjorie Mac Rae directly or through the church office.  We anticipate we will be asking for more items in the weeks to come.

Our two Angolan families are now self-sustaining, although their legal status is still not completely settled. While we are still available to help if required, the McDougall United/Christ Moravian Refugee Support Group is now turning its attention to supporting this new family from Afghanistan. 


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