Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on finding joy

I remember having a guest yogi leading our class one day. And I must say that I enjoyed this particular individual’s style and demeanour quite well. But as we were rolling up our mats at the end of the session, the woman next to me said how disappointed she had been. And when I asked her why, she told me that she hadn’t been able to hear the instructions well at all. Now that is frustrating, and I sympathized with her, and left saying that if ever this person appeared on the schedule again, she should set up her mat nearer to the front of the studio. The woman, stopped, and looked at me as if I had just proposed something completely strange. Then she explained, “But, you see, this is where I usually put my mat.”

And to that particular statement I had no reply.

But reflecting on this moment, I came to realize that all of us at times are in situations like this when we would have to change a tradition or a habit in order to live life more fully, and, like the woman in this encounter, we are unwilling to do so.

We could receive help from a family member, but refuse to ask for it. We could draw better, but never sign up for the highly recommended class. We could make life easier for our co-workers, but continue to get our projects in late.

It is strange, isn’t it? We could make our own lives better and even help others, but at times this persistent stubbornness makes us stick to where we are, doing what we have always done, while continuing to complain that life doesn’t seem to get better.

So maybe the next time we find ourselves in this situation, we should just stop and inquire, “Why not?” Why won’t I move my mat?” Why won’t I ask for help? Why is it that this task stays on my to do list and never gets done?” And having reflected on these things, perhaps we can take the next step which is to open ourselves in the name of the hope Christ gives to us and discover the joy that the world is waiting for us to receive.


A Prayer 

Strengthening Spirit, you know those things that I need to do to make my life more joyful, more complete. And I know them too. So as I reflect on these right now, help me to become attuned to your continuing help and the love of those around me, and at last be willing to do what needs to be done. Because isn’t that the kind of person I really am? 

May I act with wisdom and courage, and so live life to the full. 



Chinook Region Annual Meeting - Wrap Up


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