Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on what we take with us

A friend of mine was having difficulty finding a book I had recommended, so I told him that the next time we got together for coffee—as we often do—I would bring my copy with me. And I had every intention of doing that. However, for the next three of four times we met, I arrived without the book. Then at some point in our visit he would ask, “Do you have…?” And, with a real sense of apology, I would reply, “Sorry. No. But I’ll try to remember next time.” And the next time, we would repeat the conversation.

This happened not because I didn’t want to fulfill my promise, but simply because when I went out for coffee, I was not in the habit of asking myself, “Do I have a book I need to take?” I did remember my keys and my wallet and my iPhone, because I always thought about them as I went out the door. Sadly, the book was not something I carried on a regular basis.

Now most of us probably have our own rather set check list of necessities for our outings: a credit card, car keys, a jacket, our teeth, our hearing aids, our glasses. Of course, we know the things we need, and we make sure we have them with us.

But there is one item that we must always bring with us as well, and it is probably not on any of our standard lists. And that is love. When we go out to a meeting, we need our notes and our reports, but we need love too, so that what we do goes in the right direction. When we set off to confront a co-worker. we need our facts straight and the necessary emails, but we need love too, so a better future will be assured. When we think about what we would like to do for vacation, we need love to be a part of that mix as this time will be spent with other people with needs different from our own.

Never take love for granted, for often, when things do not go well for us, it is because we have forgotten to have that one basic item on our list of things we need, so that it may be added to whatever happens. 

A Prayer 

God, I take this moment to remember the role that love has played in my life in these last few days.

May I remember this as I go out the door now to find abundant life in the world.



April 30, 2024 McDougall United/Christ Moravian Refugee Group Update – Palestinian and Afghan families


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