Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson

Some thoughts on wisdom shared

Sometimes all of us wonder if what we are doing really matters. After all, we speak to or teach or mentor or advise many people along the way, and in most cases we never see the results of our actions.

What did happen to that frustrated student I spend so much time with when he was in grade 6?

Did she learn anything from my lessons?

Did they take my advice with that project?

But there is one thing I have come to understand over the years, and that is that we do indeed influence in positive ways, but most of the encouraging results of our work are never know to us. And even more surprising is the fact that many of the most significant changes we have initiated have happened to people we don’t even remember or didn’t even realize were listening to us at all.

So next time you wonder if what you are doing is significant, just be reassured that if you have advised or cared for or attempted to guide people over the years, the fruits of your labours are out there in the form of changed lives or transformed understanding. So always be ready to encounter those unremembered people who will come up to you and say thank you for a lesson taught or words of wisdom spoken. This may not happen often. But keep in mind that such meetings are just a tiny sample of the people whose lives you have touched. 

We sow seeds, and they do grow, but often in distant and unexpected places.


A Prayer 

Living Spirit of Hope, today may I go out into the world remembering that every act I carry out—no matter how small it may seem to me—is an opportunity to show that care and concern are still alive in a world that often seems hostile and indifferent.

May I keep my eyes open to see the needs of others.

May I keep listening to become aware of the often subtle calls for help from those around me.

May I keep in touch with my inner strength, so I don’t too easily turn my back on unexpected tasks that seem like too much work.

And may I remember always that I am loved and can love.



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