2023 - Worship and Congregational Leadership Minister Report – September – December 2023

September was a slower month for me, as I returned from holidays on September 12th, after I had a short holiday with my daughter in Montreal and Quebec City as she returned to Concordia University for her 3rd year.  But then things started to get busy and continued through to the end of the year!


  1. National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Orange Shirt Day) was observed in a joint event sponsored by several south Calgary churches.  It was held at Fish Creek United and included presentations by Tony Snow and others, lunch, a round dance, and children’s activities.  Thanks to our Right Relations group, particularly Shauna Kennedy, who brought this event together with other churches and made it such a success. 

  2. Due to the success of Orange Shirt Day, McDougall has joined a “South Calgary Cluster” of United Churches that seeks ways to cooperate on bigger projects.  It could include as many as 9 churches, but as of now, representatives from Lakeview, Fish Creek, Red Deer Lake, Ogden & McDougall met together to explore possibilities.

  3. In October we had a first meeting with Red Deer Lake to discuss possible sharing a ministry team.  I prepared a presentation outlining the benefits to all communities of an arrangement that had four ministers serving three congregations (Ogden, Red Deer Lake, McDougall).  A pilot project which was more a pulpit supply exchange was held in November to great success.  A Memorandum of Understanding was developed in December to continue and expand this relationship.

  4. In November, the refugee team and our families met for games and food and cake.  I was pleased to play Clue Jr. and enjoy conversation with our refugee families.  We are doing good work in this area.

  5. We held a Christmas Dinner for an Open Table event that was open to the congregation.  About 100 people came and enjoyed a good meal and music (J3 – Justin, Jen & Joanne – and Adam too).  Got us all in the Christmas Spirit

  6. Provided Musical entertainment for The Friendship Club Luncheon and enjoyed a great lunch – so fun to sing with this group as they prepared for Christmas.


  1. On September 23rd & 24th I took an online Course from Bart Ehrman and others called “New Insights into New Testament” which was a fresh look at the Christian scriptures from scholars studying early Christianity.  Lots of food for thought!

  2. In Mid-October I attended two conferences: Evolving Faith in Minneapolis, MN which was a gathering of mostly former evangelicals who are seeking a new, more open expression of faith; and Converging 2023 in Nashville, TN which was a gathering of mostly mainline musicians and song writers who are trying to bring a deeper understanding of spirituality to music.  A great combination from opposite ends of the spectrum that somehow meets in the middle!


  1. Along with other administration roles with Leadership Council and Operations Working Group, I continued to serve on Chinook Winds Regional Executive as the Presiding Officer.  We held our Fall Meeting in early November in Stettler where we were able to connect with congregations in that region.

  2. I took the lead on the ministry team that will be shared between Ogden United, McDougall United and Red Deer Lake United.  We are excited for the possibilities of a team of ministers providing ministry to three congregations as we continue to seek a new way of ministry that is healthy for ministers and congregations.

  3. We applied to the United Church for 2 grants, one for Senior’s Ministry, and one for a contemporary faith podcast.  We were successful with the Senior’s Ministry grant.


  1. In September we had a series called “God Speaks Science” where we explored how Science and Theology are in harmony, two ways to speak of the world.  It was a refreshing approach to our faith tradition that has sometimes been at odds with scientific discovery.

  2. November 19th we welcomed the Kumar family as we learned about Diwali, the festival of lights, and enjoyed Indian sweets and samosas after the service.

  3. In December we began our Advent Theme Worship: “How Does a Weary World Rejoice?”  It was a thought provoking and hopefully inspiring reflection on where we are and how we can hang on to hope.  Lots of discussion about banners and Christmas Carols!

  4. Participated in the Longest Night service on December 21st which included a jazz underscore to the service.  It was a wonderful of peaceful meditation and reflection.

  5. On Christmas Eve we had two services – one at 4 lead by Danah Cox that featured a set of scenes performed by the Kid’s Table children.  The 7 pm service featured the choir and other music.  We served communion as cookies, juice and chocolate (the spirit in us!).  Good energy and attendance at both services.


  1. We continue to hold Bible Study on the coming Sunday’s text each Tuesday at 11 am.  This a great way to discuss sermon themes!

  2. Had a Dinner and book study featuring “Heaven and Earth” by Will Willimon.  Lots of good food and conversation.


  1. We continue to hold short services at Lake Bonavista Village and Fish Creek Manor the 3rd Tuesday of each month, usually a communion service.  Rev. Danah and I alternate each month.  Once again, the cookies that Esther provides are yummy!

  2. In September, we had a multigenerational baptism, including an Affirmation of Faith of Evan Skoretz, the Baptism of Baptism of Krista Creguer Skoretz, Evan’s partner, and the Baptism of Nicholas Arthur Skoretz their son.  What a beautiful expression of faith!

  3. Met with people who are new to our congregation, or just needed to chat, to provide pastoral care and direction.  Met with families of those who had died to provide support for grief and plan Celebrations for their loved ones.

  4. On October 7 we celebrated the life of Merle Heise, long time member of our congregation who will be missed.  

  5. On December 2nd we celebrated the life of Tom Foster, another long time member.

  6. In December, I had a Marriage Prep session with a couple that will be married in February.  This is a small part of my job now, as most people don’t marry in churches anymore, but one I enjoy.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Anquist

To learn more about Leadership Council please visit the Leadership Council page.


Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson


The Pastoral Care Team needs new members and are wishing for volunteers