How We Are Staying Connected

As I write this note I am reminded of the changes that have taken place over the past three months.  We have all experienced the Covid-19 crisis in one way or another and for many of us, it has meant a significant shift in lifestyle. For some, it meant spending weeks in isolation away from family and friends and now that easing is happening, the practice of social distancing is becoming the norm. The question now arises as to how one should handle this new freedom. In the early days, borders were closed, winter vacations were cut short and travelers experienced quarantine. Many seniors had to depend on extended family members to deliver groceries and supplies. The broad pandemic presented tremendous health challenges on many fronts and no one escaped it’s effects all the while the economic health of the nation is under pressure and more recently racial issues are presenting very major issues. I believe we are “living in history in the making”. 

While there is an element of gloom in all of this there are also many bright lights glowing in these sober days. A neighbour remarked that he sensed a new spirit of community as people are willing to greet each other while out on their walks. And people are working hard “at a distance”, students are continuing with their studies, doctors are calling their patients and the list goes on. It may not be ideal but people are making the best of a difficult situation.

One very bright light in our McDougall lives is the effort that our staff has made to keep our church functioning. I hesitate to list the efforts lest I miss some but it has been a blessing to be able to continue to experience Sunday worship. Our Pastoral Care people have made a huge effort to contact members and it is a delight to see Faith Friends have an ongoing program. The Social Action work is so admirable and I know that our leadership team has been working very hard. Joanne’s coffee group has functioned by Zoom which proves that some technology is not beyond some of us seniors. In fact, technology has been a godsend in keeping the church functioning.  The communications work is so appreciated and the office keeps humming along. I would also praise individual members for their personal ministry of phoning folks. My thanks go to everyone who has made this all happen. You are all so very amazing and I look forward to the day when our community of dear friends can be together for one gigantic group hug. McDougall is an amazing church.  
We are in this together, we are not alone, Thanks be to God.


Choral Listening Series - Recording #5


Choral Listening Series - Recording #4