Minutes from the Annual General Meeting and March 14 Congregational Meeting

Thank you to all those who participated in the Annual General Meeting on February 21 and the Congregational Meeting on Sunday March 14. 

The Minutes for these meetings can now be accessed by clicking on the links below:

Annual General Meeting Minutes

Congregational Meeting Minutes

At these meetings, the Council Planning Group’s Two-Year Plan was discussed, the 2021 Annual Budget was approved and changes to our ministerial positions were approved. Also, a Search Committee was struck to begin the process of finding an ordered minister candidate to fill the approved half-time minister position. Joanne Anquist will remain in her current full-time position until that minister is hired, at which time she will be officially moved into her new role. 

Members of the Search Committee appointed by the congregation are Margaret Holden-Scott (Chair), Barrie Clayton (from the Planning Group), Mari Croizier (M&P) and Shelley Petersen (nominated at the meeting). 

Once the search process is complete, a Congregational Meeting will be called to present the Search Committee’s recommended candidate for congregational approval. 

Thanks again to all who participated in this important process to keep McDougall moving forward I these challenging times. 

Joanne Pritchard, Daren Patterson, Tara Jorgensen

Leadership Council Co-chairs


Foundation AGM 2021: Presidents Report


Congregational Meeting Updates