Congregational Meeting Updates

Thank you to the more than 75 McDougall community of faith members who participated in the Congregational Zoom Meeting on Sunday March 14. In celebration of Pi Day (and to practice our Zoom Poll skills), participants voted on their favourite pie…lemon meringue emerged the winner!

When we moved on to more serious business, participants listened to an update from the Planning Group, asked questions, discussed motions and approved changes to McDougall’s ministerial positions, as well as the 2021 Annual Budget based on the Sustainable Two Year Plan developed by the Council Planning Group.

With the go ahead from the congregation to hire a new half-time Family Ministry and Pastoral Care Minister, a motion was presented to strike a Search Committee to begin the process of finding a suitable ordered minister candidate for the half-time position. Joanne Anquist will remain in her current full-time role until that minister is hired, at which time she will be officially moved into her new role.

Members of the Search Committee appointed by the congregation are Margaret Holden-Scott (Chair), Barrie Clayton (from the Planning Group), Mari Croizier (M&P) and Shelley Petersen (nominated at the meeting). Thank you for your willingness to undertake this important work on behalf of the congregation!

Once the Search Committee has completed the search process laid out by Chinook Winds Region, a Congregational Meeting will be called to present their recommended candidate for congregational approval.

Thank you to members of the Council Planning Group, the Leadership Council, staff and members of the McDougall family for your participation and support during this vital process to move McDougall towards a vibrant and sustainable future.

Joanne Pritchard, Daren Patterson, Tara Jorgensen
Leadership Council Co-chairs

P.S. If you would like a copy of the recording of the meeting or the Chat discussion, contact Joanne Pritchard


Minutes from the Annual General Meeting and March 14 Congregational Meeting


65th Anniversary