Messy Church Wrap Up: Easter Event with Photos

On April 9, 2022 McDougall hosted an Easter Event. Upon arriving, everyone was invited to decorate a palm leaf or shield as part of the Art Installation Rev. Danah Cox put together that was on display leading up to Easter. Families then got the chance to decorate Easter Eggs, before enjoying a delicious meal of burgers with fries. It was very cool to see how each table’s decorated eggs looked different, especially considering that everyone started with the same kits. After dinner the kids got to search the Sanctuary for hidden Easter eggs. There was one ex-large chocolate bunny that was also very well hidden by our Easter Bunny (Lilia Kennedy). Rev. Danah Cox surprised all the kids with a chocolate bunny to take home after the hunt. Overall it was a well attended, fun event!


We could not have put this event on without the help of some pretty amazing people. Thank you so much for your help.

·      Cooks: Marilyn Bates and Ann Gardner

·      Decorating Committee: Christine and Family

·      Greeter: Carol Clayton

·      MC: Barrie Clayton

·      Easter Bunny: Lilia Kennedy

Thank you so much for you help!

Mark Your Calendar

Messy Church happens the second Saturday of every month at 4 pm. Advanced registration is required. We hope to see you next month for something special! Visit our Community and Family Minister Page to learn more about upcoming events.


We hope you enjoy some photos from the event. Photos were taken by Sarah and Kyky Reuangrith.


Danah’s Covenanting Service -Wrap Up with Pictures


2022 - Q1 First Quarter Report Ministry and Personnel