Messy Church is Now “Open Table”

We are very excited to announce that we have rebranded our “Messy Church” events to better reflect what these events are all about. Since January 2022 when Rev. Danah Cox took over the “Messy Church” events with help from Sarah Reuangrith, the name has always been something that we have wanted to change. While some of our events are indeed messy, the name simply doesn’t convey the community feel of these events. While the events happen at a church, they are more spiritual in nature and focus on providing a safe space for people to make friends, laugh, participate in a creative activity and enjoy a delicious home cooked meal. With inflation raising the cost of everything, these events become an affordable way for the congregation and members of the community to gather and experience the feelings of welcome and community that McDougall is so good at.

In the past year we have seen the attendees change from more traditional families to grandparents bringing grandchildren, friends coming together, families not related by blood enjoying a meal together and friends without kids coming to see what we have to offer. Since everyone has a place at our table, we have decided to change the name of these events to “Open Table”.

Rev Danah and Nik Sloat (Youth Ministry) have a very exciting year planned where they are bringing back some of the favorite themes from last year and introducing some new ones that I am sure you will be excited about. Here is a sneak peak:

  • February - Mask Making and Carnival Themed

  • March - Make Your Own Pizza Night

  • April - Indigenous Mural Painting

  • May - Painting Flower Pots

  • June - Camp Kasota Weekend (no Open Table event but we hope you will join us at camp)

  • September - Games Night

  • October - Pumpkin Carving

  • November - Movie Night

  • December - Gingerbread House Decorating

The first event of the year is on February 11 from 4 - 6 pm. Last year our Mask Making and Carnival themed event was so much fun that we had to bring it back again this year. Rev Danah hails from New Orleans so will be cooking some classic French quarter favorites and talking about the history of Mardi Gras. Everyone will be able to make a mask to take home. Make sure you check out some of the pictures from last year’s event below. Registration closes on February 8 at 1 pm.

To learn more about Open Table please click here, to register to attend February’s event please click here.

Pictures from 2022 February Messy Church Event


Fundraising at McDougall: Do you participate, on a regular basis, in McDougall’s Fundraiser, Gift Cards?


Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (February 2023)