Meet Your Staff Members: Nik Sloat - Family Ministry Support Worker

Over the next weeks, we are going to be introducing you to the staff at McDougall. We hope that you enjoy learning more about them!

Meet Nik Sloat - Family Ministry Support Worker

How long have you been attending McDougall? 13 months, I started in May, 2022.

What are your hopes for McDougall? That it would be seen by the community as a welcoming and safe presence.

What is one thing you'd like to see happen this year? I would like to see McDougall continue to engage in programs like LINKages that engage youth.

What is your favorite book? “Texts of Terror” by Phyllis Trible. This book is a reading of the darkest parts of Scripture through a literary-feminist lence that I read during my time at Ambrose. It opened my eyes truly for the first time to see a God I actually wanted to follow rather than follow out of obligation.

What is your favorite movie? Lord of the Rings. I can't pick a favourite of the original three because they all need each other.

What is one thing that you do for fun? My main hobby is that I like to build lego sets. I just finished the Batmobile.

To learn more about the staff at McDougall, please visit the Staff Directory.

To learn more about all the amazing volunteers at McDougall, please visit the Volunteer Page.


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