Meet Your Leadership Council: 2023 Council Members

I hope that you have enjoyed meeting individual members of the Leadership Council for the last several weeks. If you missed any of them, you can view them all by visiting the Volunteer Page.

Below is a list of all the leadership council members. Make sure you thank them for all their hard work!


Co-Chairs – Daren Patterson, Joanne Pritchard

Treasurer – Norma May Assistant Treasurer – Bruce Munro

Secretary – Marilyn Bates

Chair of Trustees/Regional Council Rep - Barrie Clayton

McDougall Foundation Chair – Phil Edwards

Members-at-Large - Alex Bradley, Marjorie MacRae, Nick Perrin, Mari Croizier, Ken Turnbull, Bruce Munro, Leslie Stoddart, Margaret Holden-Scott, Esther Petersen 

Ministry Team Leads/Co-Leads:

Worship and Spiritual Development - Rev. Joanne Anquist

Pastoral Care - Rev. Joanne Anquist/ Rev. Danah Cox

Family and Community - Rev. Danah Cox

Outreach and Social Justice - Rev. Bob Mutlow

Vision Team Leads:

Affirming Vision Team – VACANT

Council Working Groups:

 Operations Working Group Lead - Joanne Pritchard

Ministry and Personnel Lead - Peggy Jorgensen

Property Working Group - Barrie Clayton and John Naylor

Communications Working Group Lead - Nick Perrin

Vision Working Group Lead - Daren Patterson

To learn more about Leadership Council, please visit the Leadership Council Webpage.

To learn more about all the amazing volunteers at McDougall, please visit the Volunteer Page.


May 28, 2023 Town Hall Meeting Update


Report from the McDougall Representative to Chinook Winds Region – May 2023