May 28, 2023 Town Hall Meeting Update

Thank you to everyone who attended the Town Hall Meeting on May 28th, as well as to the choir members who provided cookies and treats for our luncheon. This was our second town hall meeting in 2023 and it hopefully provided the congregation members with an opportunity to understand the work and decisions made by your Leadership Council. 

The following are the key messages from this meeting:

  1. The end of April financial reports show that we are still showing a deficit budget but not as great as a deficit as projected. We must continue to be mindful of our forecasted deficit as we are no longer receiving government grants. There is a need to explore greater fundraising opportunities and we need someone to step forward to help coordinate these efforts. 

  2. Thanks to a generous donation to the choir, we are able to have our choir director return for September to December. However, the continuation of this position will need to be reviewed as we move into the 2024 budget cycle.

  3. The Youth Ministry Support Worker as it currently stands will not be funded past the end of June. However, funds have been placed in the budget to allow Rev. Danah to hire on a as needed bases to support the various community and youth programs in the fall.

  4. The Visioning Working Group presented the following statements. These statements indicate that each and everyone of us at McDougall live through our various ministries to bring hope to our community. They are not intended to be static statements but living and changing statements as our congregation moves forward.

    1. Vision statement – Welcome. Come take your place. You belong here.

    2. Mission statement – Forward thinking Christians who are creating hope through our ministry. 

  5. Barrie Clayton, our Chinook Winds Region Representative, provided insight into the potential of working with other United Churches within in the region in developing ministry teams thus creating a United Church presence within the community at a cost that is sustainable. 

As we move forward everyone is encouraged to review the website and read the reports from the various ministry teams, and financial statements. As well please check out the volunteer opportunities as our church requires a great deal of volunteers to make it the great church that it is. If you have any questions please contact Daren Patterson, Joanne Pritchard, or any ministry team members. 

To learn more about Leadership Council, please visit the Leadership Council Page.

To learn more about Volunteer Opportunities, please visit the Volunteer Page.


Meet Your Staff Members: Rev. Joanne Anquist - Worship and Congregational Leadership Minister


Meet Your Leadership Council: 2023 Council Members