Life and Concerns of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (October 2022)

Here is what our members had to share with us this month. To learn how this works please go here.

To share something with us, please send an email to:

October News

  • Clair M - After making a decision to move to a retirement home because I’m all on my own and may need more help as I get older, I moved August 5, 2022. It took some time to downsize- really quite difficult. Also I no longer have a car, so this place is where I should be. It’s a different way of life for me but I’m enjoying it and have made new friends but still able to visit with my old friends too. A complete change in the way I live my life and I’m adjusting just fine and highly recommend it. I’m glad I made this move while I’m still able.

  • Claire M enjoys her new place so much she was featured in an interview on their YouTube Channel. Way to go Claire, we are so pleased you love your new place. You can see the interview here.

  • Jen H had a wonderful time in the mountains near Radium Hot Springs this past weekend (September 24) with great views, wonderful friends, and lots of creative inspiration. (Pictures below)

  • It is with sadness we announce the passing of David Paul Jensen, in Calgary, AB, on Saturday, October 1, 2022, at the age of 86 years.

  • It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Ruth Brown on October 7, 2022. Please keep Jerry and the Brown family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. See the announcement

  • Marjorie M - In October I accompanied Michael on a bird photography workshop on the Osa Peninsula on the south west coast of Costa Rica near Panama. Few tourists visit this area, a tropical rainforest bordering a warm water fjord, the Golfo Duce. Wildlife of all kinds is plentiful and the guides were terrific. We went in a van and drove around until they spotted something or stopped and waited for wildlife to appear. Here are some of Michael’s pictures. You can see: Boat billed heron - about 20 inches tall, with relatively short legs, Three toed sloth, Gree poison dart tree frog, Central American spider monkey, Fiery Aracari, Turtle on crocodile’s back

  • Sarah & Kyky R celebrate their 11 year wedding anniversary on October 8, 2022

  • Ladies Fellowship group started back up after the summer. Their first meeting back was October 12. Learn more about this group.

  • Marianne M started a book discussion group on October 12 for the book Well Aged, Making the most of your Platinum Years by Ralph Milton

  • October 13th marked the one year anniversary of the passing of Donna Paytner. She is still missed. Flowers from her family were on display during the October 16th church service.

  • On October 15 our Annual Messy Church Pumpkin Carving happened. Below are a few pictures.

  • A Homeschool Group is using our church for weekly gatherings. Their first meeting was October 17. You can learn more about this group here.

  • Congratulations McDougall Library, they recently added their 1,000 book. Learn more.

  • October 20 was the first meeting of the Kindness Club at their new McDougall location. We are very excited that they have moved to our building. You can learn more about this group here.

  • October Stewardship Campaign for 2023 kicked off. You can learn more and read the testimonials by visiting the webpage.

  • A Charlie Brown Christmas auditions happened and the show has been cast. Congratulations to all our actors. We hope that you will be able to come out and watch one of the two shows in November. Learn more about the show.

  • It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Mary Whiteford Cooper Smith on October 26, 2022 at the Red Deer Hospice, being ill for some time.

  • Happy Birthday Art H, he celebrated his 88th birthday on Sunday, October 30. It was nice that we could all sing to him during the service. 88 is a significant birthday in the Japanese culture and is known as the long life celebration. Beiju is a play on the kanji characters for rice and 88. “Bei” (rice米) is important in Japanese society because it sustains life and represents purity and wholesomeness.

If you have news to share please email it to

To see the November 2022 news please go here.


Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (How it Works)


Godly Play Back September 18