Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (February 2024)

Here is what our members had to share with us this month. To learn more about this please go here.

To share something with us, please send an email to:

February News

  • World Day of Prayer - March 1: This is your personal invitation to take part in this year's World Day of Prayer Service hosted by McDougall United Church on FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1:30 PM. This service is particularly timely as it is prepared by the "Prayer Committee of Palestine."  Everyone is invited - women and men - join in this Ecumenical program.  Refreshments will be served following the service. Learn more.

  • Signed Memorandum of Understanding for the Shared Ministry Team: We are very excited to announce that we now have a signed Memorandum of Understanding with Red Deer Lake, Ogden and McDougall United Churches. Continue reading on website.

  • The Pastoral Care Team needs new members and are wishing for volunteers: We meet monthly, the first Wednesday of each month at 1 pm on Zoom and co-ordinate several programs such as the pastoral care ministry, church phone-out, a senior's luncheon in the Spring and oversee church membership roll work. Continue reading on website.

  • Notice of Passing: We are sad to announce the passing of Stephen "Steve" Belenky on January 29, 2024 at the age of 71 years. See Steve’s Candle Memorial.

  • 2023 - Worship and Congregational Leadership Minister Report – September – December 2023: September was a slower month for me, as I returned from holidays on September 12th, after I had a short holiday with my daughter in Montreal and Quebec City as she returned to Concordia University for her 3rd year.  But then things started to get busy and continued through to the end of the year! Continue reading on website.

  • Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson: Some thoughts on wisdom shared. Sometimes all of us wonder if what we are doing really matters. After all, we speak to or teach or mentor or advise many people along the way, and in most cases we never see the results of our actions. Continue reading on website.

  • Karina H is Competing in a Powerlifting Competition Feb 23 and 24 at One For All Fitness, 6125 11 ST SE: Karina will be challenging a National and World curl at 7:00pm at One For All Fitness 6125 11 ST SE on Feb 23 and then squat, bench press and deadlift starting at 8:30am on Feb 24. All are welcome to attend. Jule and Xander will be there to cheer! Karina is attempting something a little different this time, whereby she will weigh in twice, attempting two weight classes for one competition. The plan is to weigh in at the top end of 60kg, and then eat something dense (Sarah has been helping research the densest food) and weigh in at the bottom of 67.5kg. If this is accomplished, Karina will challenge 10 National records. As well, after four years of competing, Karina will be Coaching a 17 year old young man, Blake, who is registered in his first competition to challenge two National records. The gym is about five minutes from our church. If you are around and about to drop in, Karina, Jule, Xander and Blake would love to see you!

  • 2023 Annual Report, Financial Statement and 2024 Draft Budget Now Available: The 2023 Annual Report is now available. You can read the report at the link below. As it is a longer document, consider the environment and please read it online. Should you wish to have a paper copy, please contact the office. You can also find a copy of the 2023 Financial Statements and the draft 2024 budget. Continue reading on website.

  • Latest Additions to the Library: Here are the latest additions to the library with many thanks for the new donations. Continue reading and see books.

  • Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson: Some thoughts on expectations. Until about two centuries ago, slavery, in one form or another was thought of as a necessary part of society. Just south of us, George Washington owned slaves until he died. And so did Thomas Jefferson, who had even written that “all men are created equal” and have the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Continue reading on website.

  • Refugee Update: Special Donation Request: The McDougall United/Christ Moravian Refugee Support Group is requesting you make a special donation to help the immediate family members of the Al Astals, Palestinians whom the McDougall congregation supported as refugees to Canada in 2017.  Their large immediate family in Gaza has been subject to increasing danger since the war began in October. By early November 127 members of their extended family had been killed. Continue reading on website.

  • Soup's On Sunday:  Starting March 3, 2024 and then continuing on the 1st Sunday of each month (communion Sunday) we are working to prepare 2 different pots of soup that will be served after the church service. We are currently looking for people who might want to join us for some fun in the kitchen preparing these soups. Continue reading on the website.

  • Pie Day: Looking for People to Bring Pies on March 10: The Affirming group at McDougall is pleased to once again be celebrating pie day on Sunday, March 10th following the service. Continue reading on the website.

  • Soup’s on Sunday: Join us on the first Sunday of each month for a cup of soup following the service. Soup is available for a free will offering with all money raised going back to the church. Click here to learn more about the fundraisers at the church.

  • Palestinian Family Refugee Update Special Donation Request Week 2: The McDougall United/Christ Moravian Refugee Support Group is requesting you make a special donation to help the immediate family members of Mustafa's family, Palestinians whom the McDougall congregation supported as refugees to Canada in 2017. Continue reading on website.

  • Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson: Some thoughts on the kind of people we are On a regular basis, we all face those chores that we really don’t want to do. (Yes, tax season is coming up.) These are the responsibilities we put off. These are the assignments we avoid. These are the projects we wish were someone else’s responsibility. Continue reading on website.

  • Draft McDougall Leadership Council Meeting Minutes: January 23rd, 2024 – 7 pm – 9 pm: The draft minutes from the Leadership Council January 23rd meeting are now available. Continue reading on the website.

  • Palestinian Refugee Family Special Appeal: Week 3: Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far, we are past the halfway mark and continue to require your support. Continue reading on the website. 

  • Shared Ministry Team Initiative: October – December 2023: McDougal United Church (MUC) entered into an 8-week Pilot Shared Ministry Agreement with Red Deer Lake Untied Church  (RDLUC) and Ogden United Church (OUC). Continue reading on website.

  • Notes from the Council Co-chairs re 2024 AGM: Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the 2024 AGM on Sunday, February 25th. Continue reading on website.

  • Reflections by Rev. Grant Dawson: Some thoughts on blindness - The Nobel prize-winning economist, Daniel Kahneman and his partner had been working on a problem for some time when suddenly they realized that the principle on which they were basing their research was flawed. Continue reading on website.

  • An Easter Reflection by Rev. Grant Dawson: A number of years ago, I arrived at one of my favourite weekly yoga classes only to learn that the instructor was unable to be there. Continue reading on website.

This list will continue to be updated as they are provided. Make sure you send in your news!

See what happened in January here.


Signed Memorandum of Understanding for the Shared Ministry Team


Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for a Shared Ministry Team