Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for a Shared Ministry Team

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a Shared Ministry Team, which was announced at the Town Hall meeting last Sunday, was reviewed and approved by McDougall’s Leadership Council at their meeting on Tuesday, January 23. 

This agreement outlines the rationale, structure, and funding plans for a team of four ministers to provide the full range of ministerial leadership to the McDougall, Red Deer Lake, and Ogden communities of faith. The ministers include Rev. Joanne Anquist (1.0FTE), Rev. Bill Weaver (1.0 FTE), Rev. Danah Cox (0.75FTE) and Rev. Grant  Dawson (0.25FTE).

 McDougall’s funding commitment for the 2024 budget year is 1.5FTE ministers (the same as last year), with Red Deer Lake committing to 1.25FTE and Ogden to 0.25FTE. Payroll responsibilities for Rev. Joanne, Rev. Danah and Rev. Bill have been designated to McDougall. A Joint Ministry and Personnel Committee, with equitable representation from the 3 partner churches, will provide oversight for this Shared Ministry Team. The work of this new committee will include the development of new job descriptions that outline their Shared Ministry Team roles and responsibilities as well as regular review and reporting related to the shared ministry initiative with the 3 communities of faith.

Please contact Joanne Pritchard, Daren Patterson or Barrie Clayton for more information about this exciting, innovative initiative. 

To learn more about the Leadership Council, please visit the Leadership Council webpage.


Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (February 2024)


Gift Card Update for December 2023