Library Update: New Books & Introducing a New Local Author (Theodore Chavez)

We are pleased to introduce  a new young author,  Theodore Chavez,  who has donated his first graphic novel: “Flamingo World.” Illustration story assistance by Shauna Kennedy, edited by Lucien Chavez. Theodore is a member of this church who often comes. Make sure you pass your congratulations along next time you see him.

You can find “Flamingo World” in the Young Adult section of the Children’s Library. Since Flamingo World is a laminated paper copy it will be left on sign-out shelf in the Fiction section. We ask that this only copy be left in the library.

A number of new devotionals have been donated. They are being catalogued to add to that section in April. Books that we already have copies of in the library are being set aside. We’ll  put them on display at coffee time later in the spring. They can be taken with no return.

Many thanks to all. If you would like to have your name mentioned just let us know. We are always  interested to hear the titles of books that you have enjoyed.
Keep reading books !!

Janet, Carol and Marilyn.

To learn more about the library, please visit their webpage.


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