Family Camp: 2023 Registration Now Open

We are really excited to announce that the registration for our Family Camp weekend is now open. Camp this year will be held on June 9 - 11, 2023 at Camp Kasota West on Sylvan Lake. Our organizers for this years camp are Stephanie Hawes, Sarah Lambert, Rev. Danah Cox and Sarah Reuangrith. We have been hard at work getting the template laid for this year. More information and a schedule will be coming soon but in the meantime let us assure you that all the usual camp favorites will be back including a talent show, craft activity, beach time, etc. We have made a few changes though that we think you are going to like…. including hiring a cook.

When you come to camp, we want you to be able to relax and enjoy time with your family which is why we have decided to hire people to do all the cooking and cooking related clean up. That said, we still expect you to clean off your own table and wipe it down but no longer will volunteers be required to get up early to report to the kitchen. We do have a cook but might need some help with some of the after meal clean up (paid position), if you are planning to attend camp and want to make a bit while you are there, please indicate it on your registration. Along the same line as the cook, we have also budgeted a few hours for cleaning so that the bathrooms can be done on Saturday and again on Sunday as part of the camp clean up.

Our family camp weekend is volunteer run so the amount of activities we are able to do over the weekend depends greatly on the help of volunteers. While you are no longer asked to cook or clean the bathrooms, we are hoping that you will help with some of the activities. This could be as simple as bringing a soccer ball and being the organizer of the game, joining a few others to plan the talent show or simply taking a shift at the waterfront as our lifeguard. Please think about what activities you want to happen on the weekend and then consider supporting them with your time.

When you go into the registration link you will notice that we have simplified the registration process. Instead of having each person pay for the food and cabin separately, we have instead combined the costs so that you will pay one fee that includes a bed for two nights, 1 snack, 2 breakfast, 2 lunch, 1 dinner and all the activities for each person. The cost for an adult is $90, children are $70 and kids under 18 months are free (please bring a playpen for them to sleep in). Should you not be able to join for the whole weekend feel free to get in touch and we can discuss options so that you can attend for some of the weekend.

We understand that times are tough right now for many people so are planning to offer scholarships for those that can’t afford to come. We believe that everyone who wants to come should be able to. To help raise money for these scholarships we are having a fundraiser lunch on Sunday, March 5 following the service. All the money raised will go towards supporting the camp. You can learn more about this fundraiser here. We have also added a donation line as part of our registration or you can donate at anytime through our website (please select the Family Camp option).

If you have any questions about this years camp, please do not hesitate to get get in touch. You can call the office or email

To learn more about family camp, please visit their webpage.

To register to attend camp this year, please click here.


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