Library Update

THE LIBRARY will be open during office hours when the Church is open and on Sunday mornings before and after church.

Please enjoy our NEW LOOK: We have added more shelf space for the Children’s and Young Adult sections making it easier to find what is new and available, there and throughout the library. Carol has placed a list of categories by LETTER on the table, which should help you find what you are looking for. Ruth Dunsire placed a little note on one of the books she really enjoyed and we welcome anyone who enjoys a good book to do the same We plan to be in the library cataloguing new books once a month, usually on the third week, and we will send photos of the new selections to Sarah Reaungrith for the email blast.

We are pleased to welcome Marilyn Bates to our library team. We would also like to thank Wendy McKenzie, as she retires, for the hours she spent helping us catalogue and shelve our new donations. We had a lot of fun together and we will miss her.

Many thanks to all who continue to donate books, even during the Pandemic shut down. You have helped us maintain a diverse collection of interesting reads under many categories.

Since we only keep one copy of each book we encourage you to return your books within a month’s time.

Carol, Janet and Marilyn


Leadership Council Minutes March 15, 2022


Governance Pilot Review Summary Report February 2022