Governance Pilot Review Summary Report February 2022


The United Church of Canada in 2013 stated that:

“Since a congregation’s circumstances change over a period of time, models of board governances need to change across the lifespan of the congregation.”

As well the United Church of Canada states that: “For a church board to be successful in its role, it needs to understand what governance is.”

  • Governance is the exercise of authority, direction, and control of an organization to ensure that its purpose is achieved, and proper accounting is given for results.

  • As part of governance, the governing body is responsible for ensuring that due diligence has been exercised in the organization. This due diligence includes not only providing a safe environment but also protecting the assets of the organization through good business practices.

Thus, the former Executive Council started to examine the most challenging circumstances facing McDougall United Church and determined 4 key areas that needed to be addressed.

  • To give greater focus to vision-related priorities.

  • To create an appropriate balance between maintenance and mission.

  • To be more flexible and responsive to emerging needs and realities.

  • To streamline McDougall’s administrative processes, making them less cumbersome and less dependent on volunteers.

In February 2018, McDougall’s Executive Council tasked a Governance Working Group (Joanne Pritchard (Lead), Barrie Clayton, Marjorie MacRae, Peggy Jorgensen, Karen Chow, Ricardo de Menezes, David Smith, and Rev. Joanne Anquist) with finding ways to address these four areas. To better understand ways to address these identified areas of concern the group:         

  • Solicited feedback from council chairs,

  • Reviewed United Church of Canadas models of governance,

  • Researched governance structures of other churches, and

  • Reviewed McDougall’s council’s work and focus over the past 3 years.

As a result of the Governance Working Group’s research the following Governance Model was adopted, and a two-year pilot of this model was established. 

Governance Pilot Model as of August 2019

McDougall’s Governing Body: Leadership Council (pilot)

  • Council Co-Chairs

  • Worship and Congregation Leadership Minister

  • Treasurer

  • Secretary

  • Chair of McDougall Board of Trustees

  • Chair of McDougall Foundation

  • Chinook Winds Regional Council Representatives 

  • Up to 10 Members-at-large

  • Leads/Co-Leads of 4 Ministry Teams:

  • Worship and Spiritual Development

  • Pastoral Care

  • Outreach and Social Justice

  • Family Ministry 

  • Leads/Co-Leads of Leadership Council Vision Teams:

  • Affirming

  • Leads/Co-Leads of Leadership Council Working Groups:

  • Ministry and Personnel (as per UCC Manual)

  • Operations Working Group

  • Property Working Group

  • Additional Working Groups as needed


Due to the pandemic the review of the Governance Pilot was extended to 2021.

At the September 16, 2021, Leadership Council meeting the following motion was passed:

  • That a Governance Pilot Review working group be formed, with Daren Patterson as Lead, with the mandate of conducting a review of the effectiveness of the new Governance Pilot Structure in meeting its goals.

The Governance Pilot Review Working Group of Daren Patterson (lead), Marilyn Bates, Nick Perrin and Pat White was assembled. The mandate for this group was to conduct a review of the effectiveness of the governance pilot. The group met several times, produced a video, and developed a survey to solicit feedback for analysis. The survey and video links were emailed out to 69 individuals including ministerial and support staff, current and former leadership council members, former council members and interested congregational members. Additionally, the survey and video links were sent out via the weekly Eblast inviting any additional congregation members to complete the survey. The group also talked directly to a couple of the original Governance Working Group members, congregation members, and reviewed feedback from the pilot.

The survey asked respondents to rate (from 1 to 5) as well as provide comments to the four identified goals:

  1. For the Leadership Council to give greater focus to McDougall’s vision-related priorities through strategic planning, implementation, oversight work, and renewal.

  2. To move the Leadership Council’s focus from maintenance to mission.

  3. The Leadership Council can be more flexible and responsive to emerging needs and realities.

  4. To streamline McDougall’s administration processes, making them less cumbersome and less dependent on ministry and volunteers, while supplementing the work to committed work groups.

There was a total of 29 respondents to the survey. Based on the review of the feedback received (grade and comments) there is a strong agreement and confirmation of the effectiveness of the governance structure. Thus, we propose the following recommendation to the congregation of McDougall United Church:


That the Pilot Governance Structure in place since July 2019 be approved as McDougall’s official governance structure beginning March 1, 2022.

In addition to the survey results participants were asked for their comments as to whether each of the four goals had been met and what could have been done to improve their effectiveness. As well individuals could provide additional observations that weren’t covered under any of the survey questions. 

Overall respondents were accepting and at times encouraging. At the same time their comments illustrated an uncertainty as to what the Church is about. The most common concern surrounded lack of understanding and lack of information being shared as what, why and how decisions are being made and what actions are being done. 

Based on all forms of feedback additional recommendations for the Leadership Council to consider include improving the Leadership Council’s communication strategies with the congregation, as well as developing ongoing strategic planning and visioning work. 

Respectfully submitted by the Governance Pilot Review Working Group

Daren Patterson (lead), Nick Perrin, Marilyn Bates, Pat White 


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