Leadership Council: Update on Reporting

On behalf of the entire Leadership Council, I would like to extend a huge thank you to our McDougall staff for their dedication over the past year. As we enter the summer, and our staff are able to take a break from their busy schedules it is important for each and everyone of us to take time to recharge and reflect on what accomplishments that have been achieved during the first half of 2023.  

At our May Leadership Council meeting it was decided that congregational reporting will move from the current four times a year to three times a year. This change will better match the seasons of the church and allow for a more comprehensive summary of each third of the year. So, look forward to the reports starting the beginning of September! 

Have a great summer everyone, hope you enjoy the summer services. Keep your eyes open for updates on events and programs coming this fall. 

Daren Patterson

Co-Chair Leadership Council 

To learn more about Leadership Council, please visit the Leadership Council Page.


Meet Your Staff Members: Jennifer Heidebrecht - Office Administrator


New Books for Summer Reading