Leadership Council Second Quadrimestre Report (May – August 2024)

During the second part of 2024 your Leadership Council held one regularly scheduled meeting, as well as held a Congregational Meeting. 

We are very grateful to the volunteer members of our Leadership Council and are thankful for their dedication to ensuring McDougall continues to be a thriving and viable community to faith.  

Highlights from our meetings include:

  • A report on the Shared Ministry was presented from the combined members of the Shared Ministry M&P committee. This report highlighted the gains we have seen through this new shared ministry as well as highlighted areas that need to be addressed. The committee will be meeting again at the end of August and will be presenting its findings to the Leadership Council at the September meeting. Additionally, this information will be shared with the congregation at a Town Hall Meeting in early October. 

  • Based on the congregational feedback an updated budget for July-December 2024 was presented to the Leadership Council. This budget was brought to the congregation at the June 2nd, Congregational meeting and was approved during this meeting. Although the budget has been approved, we will continue to monitor our financial standings and if need be utilize the budget reserves. 

  • Our 2025 Stewardship campaign will be an important opportunity for congregational members to continue their commitment of their talents and financial contributions. Please keep your eyes open for the campaign packages coming in the fall. 

  • Leadership Council minutes can now be found posted in the Hospitality Hall, in a binder in the library, and on the McDougall website https://www.mcdunited.com/leadership-council .

If anyone is interested in becoming a member of the Leadership Council please contact the church office, Daren Patterson (daren.denise@gmail.com), or Joanne Pritchard (jmpritchard@shaw.ca). 

Respectfully submitted by,

Daren Patterson

Co-chair Leadership Council

To learn more about Leadership Council, please visit the Leadership Council webpage.


Reflections by Rev. Joanne Anquist


Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (September 2024)