The Truth Will Set You Free

 “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 


This week I have been reminded to care for my prayer life. When I get busy, it is easy to forget to care for myself. I eat poorly, I stay up too late, I worry. I have heard it said that worrying is like praying for what you don’t want. Maybe, but even if that weren’t true, the toll it takes is a reminder that we do not do this life thing all by ourselves. This week I was honoured to pray with and for people. I shed tears with those whose hearts are hurting. I tucked my own children into bed with blessings and whispers, giggles and songs. For some reason though, I did not ask for Divine guidance in my own affairs. That is the truth. 

As I sat to write to you all, I found myself thinking about what I wanted to share and it occurred to me that musing about intuition and truth required a dose of my own medicine. I invite you this week to pray with me about how we can be more truthful. 

I would venture to guess that every mother has told her children that being truthful is essential in life. I certainly have. I also know that children will lie when they are afraid or to get out of trouble. They will lie to appear to be someone they are not (for acceptance) and they will lie to make pain or pressure disappear when they are asked or expected to be a certain way. Now, this does not end with children. As adults, we are confronted with the same temptation to avoid the truth. Now here's the thing to remember, when you are not truthful with yourself or others you are not connected to the essence of divinity. God is the consistent, all-powerful/merciful, ever-present essence of Truth; so, when you stand in anything less than the absolute truth, you cannot and will not feel stable, secure, or guided by your intuition. In order to overcome the habit or temptation of telling small lies that skirt around the truth, we simply must remind ourselves that we are a fearfully and wonderfully made, unique representative of all that is divine and good. This, Beloveds, is the truth that will free you from the pressure to be or say anything less than what is true for you and about you. 


One truth to learn: 

Ignorance is naught. 

One truth to follow: 

The path of Grace. 

One truth to live: 

Forget Him not. 

One truth to be: 

His Heart and Face. 

-Sri Chinmoy


Pastoral Care - Quarterly Report


Emotional and Spiritual Wellness