Pastoral Care - Quarterly Report

Pastoral Care Support

During the Covid 19 pandemic Pastoral Care has been through phone calls and most groups have now connected through Zoom meetings.

Rachel has continued her Pastoral Care work through phone calls as she cannot visit people. She is working on her theological courses online over the summer in Calgary.

There have been a few families who have had groceries delivered  to their homes by volunteers from McDougall. Families have been supporting seniors within their families. As things are starting to open, some friends have been visiting outside on patios with social distancing. Most connections continue by phone calls. Eleanor sends cards on behalf of McDougall Church.

Pen Pals

There are 28 children and adults involved in this program. There are 2 more children who need pen pals.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

We need more knitters to help with this program. The office has the pattern if you need one. There has been one Prayer Shawl meeting on Zoom. Peggy J. has cleaned and bagged the shawls for recipients.

Healing Pathway

Healing Pathway sessions are still available. They are conducted on line through Zoom.  Please book a session through the Office or Peggy.

Friday Coffee Time

Friday Coffee time at 11 AM will continue through the summer with Rachel during Rev. Joanne's holidays.

Sunday Fellowship Group

Sundays at 11:30  AM there is a fellowship group on line on Zoom. Please contact the  office to email you a link  if you would like to join the group.

Thank you to Ruth D. for organizing the drive by 70th wedding anniversary for Verna and Gordon G. on June 11.

There will be a phone out in September by McDougall phoners with further information about McDougall's re opening and programs for the fall in accordance with the Alberta government regulations.

Keep looking after each other and enjoy the summer,

Respectfully submitted,

Esther Petersen


Choral Listening Series - Recording #9


The Truth Will Set You Free