Feed the Hungry Luncheon - Update with Pictures

Thank you to everyone who supported the Feed the Hungry Luncheon and used book sale on Sunday, September 10th. Thanks to your generosity we were able to raise $1000! 

However, we still need to raise an additional $1000 to meet our financial contribution of $3000.

To contribute further, you can:

  1. Donate online by going to the church website https://www.mcdunited.com/, click on GIVE, and then DONATE. Once the screen appears click on the large green donate button, then, go to the first drop-down list and choose "Feed the Hungry". 

  2. Mail in or make an in-person contribution marked “Feed the Hungry”.

If you would like to volunteer for our sponsored dinner on Sunday, October 29th at St. Mary’s Cathedral Hall click on this  online sign-up link. We have 15 morning and 15 afternoon slots to fill.  Please note the deadline to sign up is Sunday, October 22nd. 

Thanks again for your continued support of this valuable outreach project,

Daren Patterson

Below are some pictures taken by Sarah Reuangrith and Danah. This was our welcome back week with Kid’s Table starting back up.

To learn more about Feed the Hungry, please visit the Feed the Hungry Page.


2023 - Ministry and Personnel April– August, 2023


Opera Buddies is Back September 28 with “The Marriage of Figaro”