Feed the Hungry Dinner - “Fuel for the Soul, Fuel for your body, Fuel for your brain”

It's that time of year again when we need to consider fund raising $3000 for our commitment to this year's Feed the Hungry dinner at St. Mary's Cathedral Hall. This years dinner is on Sunday, October 29th.

Mark your calendar for our fundraising lunch after the September 10th service, with funds raised going towards our goal of $3000. We will be providing chili, buns and dessert.

In addition we will be having a used paperback sale by donation. If you have any old paperbacks that you'd like to donate to this cause please start collecting them. You can drop off books at the church on September 7 or 8 during office hours. Purchase by donation.

All funds raised will go towards our $3000 sponsorship commitment.

Thanks for your continued support, see you on September 10.

Daren Patterson

McDougall Coordinator for Feed the Hungry 

To learn more about Feed the Hungry, please visit the Feed the Hungry Webpage.


Job Opening for a Part-time Caretaker


Life of the Church: Joy’s and Concerns (August 2023)