Email Blast - Happening Every Other Week Over the Summer

Starting on June 30th our weekly email blast will go out every other Friday. This will happen over the summer months when things are quieter. Email blasts will go out on:

  • June 30th (deadline for inclusion June 29th at noon)

  • July 14 (deadline for inclusion July 13 at noon)

  • July 28 (deadline for inclusion July 27 at noon)

  • August 11 (deadline for inclusion August 10 at noon)

  • August 25 (deadline for inclusion August 24 at noon)

Emails will go back to every Friday starting on September 1st. You will continue to receive a weekly Sunday service email throughout this time.

If you are interested in signing up to receive our email blasts (or one of our other email or printed options), you can sign up and learn more here.

Please send information that you wish to be included in the email blast to Sarah.


2023 McDougall Scholarship Winners - Part 2


Summer Singers is Back!